微分方程式の数値解析 #1

の解析解はx(t)=\tan tである。

! Euler's method
program ode
  implicit none
  double precision, parameter :: udiv = 1         ! division unit
  integer, parameter :: ndiv = 1000               ! number of divisions per udiv
  double precision, parameter :: h = udiv / ndiv  ! delta-t
  integer, parameter :: niter = 1.5 / udiv * ndiv ! number of iterations
  double precision, parameter :: t0 = 0           ! initial t
  double precision, parameter :: x0 = 0           ! initial value at t0
  integer, parameter :: pdiv = ndiv / 10          ! print interval
  double precision :: x = x0
  double precision :: t
  integer :: n
  do n = 0, niter
    t = t0 + n * h
    if (mod(n, pdiv) == 0) print '(3F13.8)', t, x, exactx(t)
    x = nextx(t, x, h)
  end do
  double precision function f(t, x)
    double precision, intent(in) :: t, x
    f = x**2 + 1
  end function f
  double precision function exactx(t)
    double precision, intent(in) :: t
    exactx = tan(t)
  end function exactx
  double precision function nextx(t, x, h)
    double precision, intent(in) :: t, x, h
    nextx = x + h * f(t, x)
  end function nextx
end program ode


   0.00000000   0.00000000   0.00000000
   0.10000000   0.10032963   0.10033467
   0.20000000   0.20268911   0.20271004
   0.30000000   0.30928626   0.30933625
   0.40000000   0.42269643   0.42279322
   0.50000000   0.54613318   0.54630249
   0.60000000   0.68385543   0.68413681
   0.70000000   0.84183091   0.84228838
   0.80000000   1.02889559   1.02963856
   0.90000000   1.25893091   1.26015822
   1.00000000   1.55530569   1.55740772
   1.10000000   1.96093380   1.96475966
   1.20000000   2.56446697   2.57215162
   1.30000000   3.58384542   3.60210245
   1.40000000   5.73758911   5.79788372
   1.50000000  13.59898621  14.10141995
